September 10, 2008

the Swedish are coming!

IKEA has FINALLY decided to build a store here, which just makes me squirm with excitement. I don't think I've visited a store since I moved away from Chicagoland, so this is very good news! A lot of their furniture and products are too modern for my taste, but just wandering around the store is a huge source of entertainment. Also, my desk is from there and has served me well for the last five years or so.


  1. ya I would give alot for an IKEA here. one of alex's and my favorite pastimes is walking through stores, and IKEA would have alot to offer in that department.

  2. Ah ha! Didn't know you were keeping this blog.

    I'm not sure I share your excitement about Ikea. My inclination, to head to the basement floor, check out the nick nacks and leave.

  3. OOH! Take Ashley there sometime! She really, really needs a couch ... that Wiley can tear up and she won't feel guilty about.

  4. oh man, anna! i don't know what i would do without an IKEA here. our apartment is a showroom. enjoy your wandering!
