March 9, 2009

creeping up...

I may alienate most of my friends with this statement, but: 30 Rock is much funnier than The Office these days, and at this moment, it is my favorite. The best lines sometimes sneak by quickly, and after watching most of the show up until now, everything that comes out of Tracy Morgan's mouth is hilarious. I suppose it takes a few tries to get a taste for it, but I still think each episode can stand alone.

(helpful info: Tina Fey's character desperately wants a child. She also loves to eat.)

p.s. is one marvelous website. it's where we watch the current week's Office or Rock if we missed it on tv. because we have rabbit ears. because we are amish.


  1. maybe tv shows (comedy ones, for sure) shouldn't last longer than three seasons.
    'The Office' started to slow down after season 3.
    'Arrested Development' was never given the opportunity to get past season 3.

    Possibly Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant have the right idea: Do two solid seasons, a full length tv special, and then get out of there.

    of course, there are exceptions to the rule...

  2. did you read the maytrees?
    what did you think?
